Shift my life MASTER CLASS

Find your true purpose and learn to love yourself as you navigate big life changes.

Is your life changing in a big way and you’re not feeling confident about your beliefs, or soul’s purpose? This course will give you a landing spot and the permission to rebuild your life from the inside out — and this time it will be on your terms.

The hardest experiences in life can bring about the most important lessons.

If you’re healing from trauma, grieving, trying to find your purpose, or just trying to find a connection to something bigger, there’s more for you.

Discover the ways the world is working FOR you instead of against you.


Follow a series of steps to move through what’s holding you back towards a greater purpose.


Create lifelong habits that will transform you — mind, body, and spirit.


Discover the ways the world is working FOR you instead of against you.


Follow a series of steps to move through what’s holding you back towards a greater purpose.


Create lifelong habits that will transform you — mind, body, and spirit.

What would it feel like to wake up each day inspired and empowered as part of something bigger?

“Mindfulness and connectivity are intrinsically imperative to not only my success, but my overall health and wellbeing. SHIFT meets you exactly where you are and guides you to make space for these things. It is not simply about finding calm or meditation, it is about allowing yourself to LEVEL UP IN LIFE and become exactly who you are meant to be.”
Kelsey wells
sweat trainer and global fitness star
“Shift gives me the motivation to start my day powerfully. It's a perfect reminder to take care of myself too. Exercises like the soul purpose question allow me to reflect inward to fine-tune how I want to show up in the world. I love this course!”
baya voce
founder/relationship expert/tedx speaker

Step into your true potential with Doug Cartwright.

I spent years in the sales industry, but found little fulfillment until I stumbled upon meditation and realized my life was no longer my own. After several years of spiritual work, I learned to cut out external pressures and hear my own soul speak. Now, I help thousands through The Daily Shifts app to find peace in the modern life. I've worked with CEO's and celebrities and now I can't wait to work with you.


The reality of our lives is created by the stories we tell ourselves… 

supporting experience:

I have spent three decades studying child development while working with thousands of my own patients.

As a coach:

I help families triumph over issues as varied as mental health problems, substance abuse, developmental disorders, and family dynamics.
A personal note from Doug.
From: Doug Cartwright

Subject: I can help you become aware that life is happening for you.

A few years ago I felt completely lost in my life.

I had reached everything I wanted in life… The car, the girlfriend, the money, and the job…

Basically I had everything that the world told me I needed in order to feel “happy…"

But I wasn’t happy…

I felt like there was something missing in my life.

Even though I had achieved everything I THOUGHT I wanted, I felt like all of the things and the recognition was great for my ego, but it wasn’t bringing me true happiness.

It was about 2 years ago that I had my first “tap on the shoulder” from the universe and that signal came in the form of simple meditation.

The crazy thing is that the shift wasn’t that dramatic for me…

Just a slight shift to how I viewed the world.

I was a little bit more aware.

I started becoming aware of the stories I had been telling myself since I was a kid…

I’m not enough, I’m not lovable for this or that reason, there’s something wrong with me, and I need to have OUTWARD success to feel like I’m validated and enough.

And I started seeing how those stories were impacting my world.

Once I learned to change the stories I was telling myself I was able to shed older versions of myself that were no longer serving me. I finally experienced what it meant to be really alive.

When you experience what it feels like to be alive, you will be shocked at how much joy, enthusiasm, purpose, and love you feel in your life.

When you feel this way, you are capable of so much more. Your priorities change. Your focus shifts. You are driven by purpose. Most importantly, it gives you permission to be your true self without fear.

You don’t care what other people think and you step into the world as your truest, highest self.

I have broken down the exact process I went through and how you can go through it as well.

Through this master class, I can help you become aware that life is happening for you.

All the pain, heartache, heartbreak, is driving you to something bigger and bolder in your life.

I want to help you find these breakthroughs.

Are you ready to join me?

-- Doug

Your questions answered.

If your question isn’t covered below, send us an email.

How do I access the course?

My content is available on a reputable, fully digital platform so you can move through the course at your own pace. During the first section, I’ll also show you how to set up a mobile account for lessons on the go.

How does it work?

My course is structured to help busy parents see positive changes as soon as possible. We start with THEORY and the principles of healthy discipline, then jump straight into STRATEGY so you can start applying my tactics the very same day.

How long until I see results?

The beauty of this course is that you can start seeing results the same day! These strategies are designed to teach your child healthy boundaries and teach you confidence in your authority immediately, and that only improves over time.

What exactly is included?

This course includes more than 20 videos, 50 pages of content, downloadable resources, and a bustling online community of parents just like you.

Will this help?

While the cause of and treatment for ODD varies slightly from everyday defiance, these discipline techniques have done wonders for ODD families in my medical practice. In fact, I even have a specific section of the course dedicated to ODD.

Will it work for me and my family?

Every family is unique, but the underlying developmental reasons behind why children act out are the same. So no matter what your family looks like, these principles are guaranteed to work for you.


Shift Your Life Master Class

When you purchase Shift Your Life for $997, you'll receive:
10 video training with 3 hours of content + a digital workbook

Module 1: Where to begin?

Unsubscribe from the story you’ve been telling yourself—Be the author of your own story.
Elevate your life by writing a life story you’re proud of telling.
Design a strategy that will help you achieve ideal outcomes in every area of life.
Connect with your highest and develop traits that lead to personal success.

Module 2: What’s your story?

The ideas in your story are more false than they appear—it’s time to clean your mirror.
Let go of projections of yourself to create a healthy relationship with yourself.
Embrace your unique traits to make intentional choices for your highest self.
Shed your labels and live a life you are proud of.

Module 3: How To Rewrite Your Story

The labels you were given don’t fit—time to make room for our new identity.
Reclaim your light by sharing your new story with the world.
Validate your feeling of past hurt to move forward with clarity and confidence.
Uncover your true path by surrendering the path of shame and guilt.

Module 4: What Is “Source”?

Learn to trust your gut and sharpen your intuition.
Define Source — discover the unique energy in your life.
Allow inspiration to flow through your soul to gain clarity in your life choices.
Begin trusting yourself in making decisions that are right for you.

Module 5: Create a Relationship With Source

Access the benefits of Source in your daily routines and choices.
Build a relationship with Source that will guide you in the right direction.
Establish healthy boundaries, self-love, and self-acceptance by tapping into intuition.
Build a meditation practice of gratitude that strengthens your relationship with Source.

Module 6: Discover Who You Really Are

Come home to yourself—the time is now.
Identify and remove false labels to focus on who you truly are.
Make peace with the past and stay focused on your goals moving forward.
Have the courage to push beyond doubts, fears and lack of confidence.

Module 7: How To Show Up In the World

Show up fully to your life—you’re the star of this show.
Revive your inner energy by decluttering the space around you.
Put your ego aside and take the risk of trying new things.
Discover new things about yourself by developing a new hobby or talent.

Module 8: Habits

Build new habits that support who you want to become.
Learn to spot (and correct) the negative patterns in your life.
Gain control of your life with a productive and intentional daily routine.
Eradicate bad habits and introduce habits that contribute to your goals.

Module 9: Goals

Stop chasing goals that are going NOWHERE —  link identity to your goals.
Learn the components of an identity-based goals.
Understand the habit of how.
Add realistic deadlines to your goals to boost productivity.

Module 10: The Power of Daily Practice

Awaken your full potential—It starts with daily practice.
Be receptive to your daily practice by tapping into your body's needs.
Bring clarity to your day by setting mental boundaries.
Center yourself by setting emotional boundaries.
Are you ready to reconnect with those around you and yourself?

Shift your life

This 10 part master class will take you from unsure to confident and EMPOWERED in your journey.

Science-backed Approaches

Apply tried-and-tested strategies for a healthier, happier life.

Spiritual Guidance

Follow meditative teachings to tap into your intuition and find fulfillment.


Ready to get started?

Join our thriving Shift community with Doug Cartwright as your guide. Enroll in my course now and receive a step-by-step strategy for establishing a meaningful spiritual practice in the modern world.
Everything you need to manifest more fulfillment and connection in your life, starting TODAY.


10 video trainings with 3 hours of content
Downloadable 75 page workbook
1 on 1 personal call with Doug
Enroll in the course
We respect    your privacy.
“I consider myself a driven, goal-oriented. Shift has become my tool for transforming my daily grind. I'm becoming a more mindful and intentional person at a micro level."
Benson Metcalf
VP strategic partnerships, pluralsight
“The Daily Shifts helps me better understand my feelings and how the importance of staying centered can help me navigate through times of confusion and noise that we all inevitably face."
Sam Stratford
CEO & Founder, hawaii beach campervans

What would it feel like to wake up each day inspired and empowered as part of something bigger?

“Mindfulness and connectivity are intrinsically imperative to not only my success, but my overall health and wellbeing. SHIFT meets you exactly where you are and guides you to make space for these things. It is not simply about finding calm or meditation, it is about allowing yourself to LEVEL UP IN LIFE and become exactly who you are meant to be.”
Kelsey wells
sweat trainer and global fitness star
“Shift gives me the motivation to start my day powerfully. It's a perfect reminder to take care of myself too. Exercises like the soul purpose question allow me to reflect inward to fine-tune how I want to show up in the world. I love this course!”
baya voce
founder/relationship expert/tedx speaker