What is the SHIFT method?

The secret to living a life that you LOVE and ENJOY.
If Being Mediocre Is Your Goal - Save 9 Minutes and DON'T Watch This Video
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STEP 2: register
STEP 3: hear from others
This is an opportunity of a lifetime. Don't let it pass you by!

Find Your True Purpose With Our Shift My Life Master Class

Here's what you'll learn:
  • How to finally feel ENOUGH by tapping into the only validation that heals (I’ll tell you more about the difference between internal validation and external validation in the webinar).
  • Learn about 3 secret tools you can use ANYTIME to shine a spotlight on what’s not working in your life so you can start working towards fixing it.
  • The simple lesson I learned after spending tens of thousands of dollars chasing “self-improvement” that you can start implementing in your world right now.
STEP 2: register
STEP 3: hear from others

What would it feel like to wake up each day inspired and empowered as part of something bigger?

Bayavoce  |  Sep 11
Loving this app!
This app is such a great reminder to slow down, get present, and refocus my attention. So grateful!
Love life!
Love the breathing exercises and the meditation for different feelings. Helps keep me balanced throughout the day. Would recommend to a friend :)
5 stars!
5 stars for an awesome original app. Helps me to stay accountable to myself. Definitely recommend.
TYTY  |  SEP 29
Love it!!!
Great App! It's a great concept, and is super easy to use. If everyone would download and use this app our world would be a much nicer, happier place.
Bayavoce  |  Sep 11
The app I've been waiting for.
I love this app! The shifts are short and super doable which makes it easy to keep up and keep making positive changes. Obsessed!
BEN-AIR  |  SEP 13
Much needed app.
I love it and I've only used it for three days. I usually write my goals every day so this is good to have them everywhere. Wether I'm on the road or home.
Love Shift!
Obsessed with this app! Love how it reminds me to be present throughout the day. I also like the meditations better than some other apps I've used.
DTAFT11  |  SEP 15
Perfect reminder system through out the day to keep you on track!
Bayavoce  |  Sep 11
Loving this app!
This app is such a great reminder to slow down, get present, and refocus my attention. So grateful!
Bayavoce  |  Sep 11
Loving this app!
This app is such a great reminder to slow down, get present, and refocus my attention. So grateful!
Bayavoce  |  Sep 11
Loving this app!
This app is such a great reminder to slow down, get present, and refocus my attention. So grateful!
Bayavoce  |  Sep 11
Loving this app!
This app is such a great reminder to slow down, get present, and refocus my attention. So grateful!

The reality of our lives is created by the stories we tell ourselves… 

supporting experience:

I have spent three decades studying child development while working with thousands of my own patients.

As a coach:

I help families triumph over issues as varied as mental health problems, substance abuse, developmental disorders, and family dynamics.
A personal note from Doug.
From: Doug Cartwright
Subject: I can help you become aware that life is happening for you.

A few years ago I felt completely lost in my life.

I had reached everything I wanted in life… The car, the girlfriend, the money, and the job…

Basically I had everything that the world told me I needed in order to feel “happy…"

But I wasn’t happy…

I felt like there was something missing in my life.

Even though I had achieved everything I THOUGHT I wanted, I felt like all of the things and the recognition was great for my ego, but it wasn’t bringing me true happiness. I didn't know how to find happiness within myself.

It was about 2 years ago that I had my first “tap on the shoulder” from the universe and that signal came in the form of simple meditation.

The crazy thing is that the shift wasn’t that dramatic for me…

Just a slight shift to how I viewed the world.

I was a little bit more aware.

I started becoming aware of the stories I had been telling myself since I was a kid…

I’m not enough, I’m not lovable for this or that reason, there’s something wrong with me, and I need to have OUTWARD success to feel like I’m validated and enough.

And I started seeing how those stories were impacting my world.

Once I learned to change the stories I was telling myself I was able to shed older versions of myself that were no longer serving me. I finally experienced what it meant to be really alive.

When you experience what it feels like to be alive, you will be shocked at how much joy, enthusiasm, purpose, and love you feel in your life.

When you feel this way, you are capable of so much more. Your priorities change. Your focus shifts. You are driven by purpose. Most importantly, it gives you permission to be your true self without fear.

You don’t care what other people think and you step into the world as your truest, highest self.

I have broken down the exact process I went through and how you can go through it as well.

Through this master class, I can help you become aware that life is happening for you.

All the pain, heartache, heartbreak, is driving you to something bigger and bolder in your life.

I want to help you find these breakthroughs.

Are you ready to join me?


-- Doug


Shift My Life Master Class Course Curriculum

When you purchase Shift Your Life for $797, you'll receive 10 video training with 3 hours of content, a downloadable workbook and group coaching calls to help you apply the principles in the workbook.
Module 1: Where to begin?
Unsubscribe from the story you’ve been telling yourself—Be the author of your own story.
  • Elevate your life by writing a life story you’re proud of telling.
  • Design a strategy that will help you achieve ideal outcomes in every area of life.
  • Connect with your highest and develop traits that lead to personal success.
Module 2: What’s your story?
The ideas in your story are more false than they appear—it’s time to clean your mirror.
  • Let go of projections of yourself to create a healthy relationship with yourself.
  • Embrace your unique traits to make intentional choices for your highest self.
  • Shed your labels and live a life you are proud of.
Module 3: How To Rewrite Your Story
The labels you were given don’t fit—time to make room for our new identity.
  • Reclaim your light by sharing your new story with the world.
  • Validate your feeling of past hurt to move forward with clarity and confidence.
  • Uncover your true path by surrendering the path of shame and guilt.
Module 4: What Is “Source”?
Learn to trust your gut and sharpen your intuition.
  • Define Source — discover the unique energy in your life.
  • Allow inspiration to flow through your soul to gain clarity in your life choices.
  • Begin trusting yourself in making decisions that are right for you.
Module 5: Create a Relationship With Source
Access the benefits of Source in your daily routines and choices.
  • Build a relationship with Source that will guide you in the right direction.
  • Establish healthy boundaries, self-love, and self-acceptance by tapping into intuition.
  • Build a meditation practice of gratitude that strengthens your relationship with Source.
Module 6: Discover Who You Really Are
Come home to yourself—the time is now.
  • Identify and remove false labels to focus on who you truly are.
  • Find inner peace and stay focused on your goals moving forward.
  • Have the courage to push beyond doubts, fears and lack of confidence.
Module 7: How To Show Up In the World
Show up fully to your life—you’re the star of this show.
  • Revive your inner energy by decluttering the space around you.
  • Put your ego aside and take the risk of trying new things.
  • Discover new things about yourself by developing a new hobby or talent.
Module 8: Habits
Build new habits that support who you want to become.
  • Learn to spot (and correct) the negative patterns in your life.
  • Gain control of your life with a productive and intentional daily routine.
  • Eradicate bad habits and introduce habits that contribute to your goals.
Module 9: Goals
Stop chasing goals that are going NOWHERE —  link identity to your goals.
  • Learn the components of an identity-based goals.
  • Understand the habit of how.
  • Add realistic deadlines to your goals to boost productivity.
Module 10: The Power of Daily Practice
Awaken your full potential—It starts with daily practice.
  • Be receptive to your daily practice by tapping into your body's needs.
  • Bring clarity to your day by setting mental boundaries.
  • Center yourself by setting emotional boundaries.

Deepen your learning and understanding

This accompanying workbook was created to help you strengthen your connection to the course material and apply the lessons to your unique situation.
  • Understand and rewrite your personal story
  • Define and develop a unique relationship with Source
  • Apply goal setting techniques and strategies to reach your ideals
  • Cultivate an attitude of gratitude with daily exercises to implement into your routine
“These bonus sessions ALONE were worth the entire price of the training! The section about success being exponential was a game changer for me…”

Make your purchase with peace of mind.

We’ve worked really hard to back up this offer — the biggest risk is doing nothing.

30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

If you aren’t satisfied for any reason within the first 30 days of your purchase we will give you a 100%, no-questions-asked refund.

The Daily Shifts Results Guarantee

If after 30 days, you have been putting in the work we can see your progress and the results aren’t coming for you we will STILL give you a refund.

Here are the results you can expect and the skills you will learn in just 10 modules:

Receive your wake up call from the universe and start living your life with intention.
Discover the true gifts that you were born with and how to share them with the world.
Eliminate and remove negative habits holding you back from being your best self.
Learn daily routines to empower you to feel fully alive daily.
Set correct goals that are in alignment with your unique path.
Maximize your human experience and love being you.

Uncover your true potential with Doug Cartwright.

From business to betterment. 
I spent years in the sales industry, but found little fulfillment until I stumbled upon meditation and realized my life was no longer my own. After several years of spiritual work, I learned to cut out external pressures and hear my own soul speak. Now, I help thousands through The Daily Shifts app to find inner peace in the modern life.

are you ready to JOIN?

Enroll now and get started today.


Find your true purpose and learn to love yourself as you navigate big life changes.
10 Training Modules
Learn the skills, principles, and insights to help you live more intentionally.
Guided Workbook
Work through the downloadable journal/workbook with guided videos
Private Facebook Group Access
Access a private group with others like you and ongoing coaching, support, and training.
Instant Access
Lifetime Access


Receive Instant Access
Enroll Now

Your questions answered.

If your question isn’t covered below, send me an email at hello@thedailyshifts.com

What happens after I enroll?
After you enroll you’ll be immediately invited to join our digital community and training platform where you can access the 10 modules, and any included enrollment bonuses that are included when you make your purchase.
What is the time commitment and schedule for this class?
The course is about 5 hours of content, but you are free to go at your own pace. We recommend completing 2 modules and the additional workbook assignments each week.
What if I miss a day? Can I go back and access it later?
Absolutely. You’ll have lifetime access to all of the course materials and you can rewatch them, replay them, and enjoy them as often as you like.
Will I get direct feedback from Doug Cartwright?
Yes, Doug will be available in the Private Facebook group to answer questions and help you with insights.
What if I’m too busy right now? Can I enroll later?
We plan on keeping enrollment for this course open as long as it’s helping our clients, but this special pricing along with the bonuses on this page, are temporary.
What if it’s not what I expect? Can I get my money back?
If the course isn’t what you expected or you don’t see the results you were hoping for contact us within 60-days for a full and immediate refund. We only request that you complete the course and tell us why it didn’t work for you so we can make it ever better.
JOIN shift my life

Find your true purpose and learn to love yourself as you navigate big life changes.

Enroll Today for $397