Experience a complete digital detox and freedom from notifications.
The Reset Retreat will give you a much-needed break from endless scrolling, constant notifications, and pressure to reply to every phone call, email, and text message. You’ll have 3 full days away from the sensory overload that comes with living a fast-paced, busy lifestyle.
Disconnecting from your devices and other societal pressures will allow you to feel more present and connected to those around you, reduce stress and anxiety, and help you refocus on what is really important to you.
Finally learn how to meditate... (even if your mind never stops)
Whether you’ve never meditated before, you meditate every day, or you fall somewhere in between, the Reset Retreat will provide you with the tools you need to keep up a consistent, powerful, and effective meditation practice. We’ll be doing guided meditations daily so you can experience and get comfortable with the process.
Keeping up a personalized meditation practice will help you slow down, get present, and make more intuitive life decisions. No meditation experience required.
Make new friends & connections who are on a similar path as you.
This event is application only, so you’ll be surrounded by a curated, vetted cohort of individuals with the drive and motivation to constantly better themselves spiritually, mentally, and physically.
With so many like-minded people, there will be plenty of opportunities to make long-term connections, network, and expand your community.
Learn easy & safe techniques to build mental & emotional resilience.
Along with meditation, we’ll practice breathwork, cold exposure, visualization exercises, and more, to facilitate mental, spiritual, and physical healing.
These techniques help increase self-awareness, improve immune function, and boost your energy so that you can leave feeling recharged and focused.
Leave with crystal clear direction for your life and business.
Many of our workshops throughout the retreat will focus on addressing your values and motivations, success visualization and goal-setting exercises, and creating a roadmap for your next steps.
These exercises and activities will get you tapped into your intuition so you can leave the retreat with the clarity, confidence, motivation, and excitement needed to take action on next steps in your business AND personal life.
Uncover, address, and change unhealthy patterns and limiting beliefs.
During this retreat, the digital detox and time spent in nature will help free up your mind for some deeper emotional work. Along with the more goal-oriented aspects of the Reset Retreat, we’ll dive into some self-reflective exercises like journaling and mapping your story.
These exercises will help you uncover unhealthy patterns and limiting self-beliefs that may be holding you back. Uncovering and identifying these patterns and beliefs will allow you to create new patterns that are energizing, healthy, and produce the results you actually want!