
4 Daily Shifts to Discover Your Passion and Purpose

Are you feeling lost?

Wondering how to discover yourself or how to discover your purpose? Or, maybe you’re asking yourself how to discover your passion. Regardless, you’ve come to the right place, and you are far from the only one feeling this way. 

The Daily Shifts is here to help you on your journey of self-discovery, and we know that this journey is not always easy. If you’ve been feeling like your life is lacking purpose or direction, it can be really difficult to feel passionate about what you’re doing, and you might find yourself lacking motivation or feeling like your life is dull. If you’re feeling this way, it’s a sign that something’s gotta change.

We’re going to teach you:

1. How to discover yourself

2. How to discover your passion

3. How to discover your purpose

Are you ready?

How to discover yourself

Not sure how to discover yourself? Maybe you feel like you don’t even know who you are anymore, or there’s a big disconnect between who you used to be and who you are now. Maybe you feel like you’re living a lie. This is not a fun way to feel. There are a couple of tools you can use when asking how to discover yourself. 

We recommend starting out by meditating to feel more relaxed and sharper in your mind. Then, journaling is a great way to delve into some self-discovery, so grab a pen and paper (or your Notes app) and answer the following questions:

  • What makes you feel alive? 
  • What makes you happy?
  • What are your values?
  • Who are you outside of your job?
  • What are your greatest strengths as a human being? 
  • What are you naturally really good at?

How to discover your passion

Once you know a little bit more about your true authentic self, it’s time to explore deeper. Wondering how to discover your passion? Your answers from the previous prompts may have already given you some ideas for what you are passionate about. If not, that’s okay. Self-discovery happens slowly. Head back to your journal and ask yourself the following questions.

  • What makes you excited?
  • What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?
  • What’s something you’ve always wanted to do but never have?
  • What would you do if money wasn’t an issue?
  • What do you love to talk to others about?

How to discover your purpose

Mix together your authentic self and your passion, and this can help you learn how to discover your purpose. Your purpose will drive you to continue to pursue your passions and help you to feel fulfilled in what you’re doing personally and/or professionally. Remind yourself that your passions and purpose do not necessarily have to be work-related. Too often we tie our identity to our jobs, but there’s so much more to life, and hopefully, the previous journal prompts for how to discover yourself and how to discover your passion helped you realize that. Ask yourself these questions.

  • How can I help the people I care about with my skills?
  • What social causes do I care about?
  • How can I make the world a better place?
  • How can I positively impact my community?
  • What would make me feel fulfilled? 

Making Life Changes to Help Yourself

Self-improvement and positive life changes are not going to happen on their own. You’ve got to put in work. Follow these four shifts as you are learning how to discover yourself and how to discover your purpose. 

Be curious:

Get curious about your interests and passions. Get curious about things you’ve never tried before. Talk to people who do what you’re curious about. Learn from them, and then try it yourself. Remember, it’s never too late. Because I’ve been curious in my life, my favorite hobbies now (yoga, golf, and skiing) I didn’t learn until my late 20s or early 30s, and they are now my favorite passions.

Be more open:

Be open to new ideas, hobbies, people, and places. Cooking, singing, dancing, gardening, learning a language, traveling, yoga, reading new books, learning to name it. If you’re living a closed-off life, focused on everything that you already feel comfortable with, you won’t experience growth. Growth happens outside of our comfort zone. You just need to open yourself up to new experiences.

Be unafraid:

This is easier said than done, we know. Even if you feel fear, we want you to “feel the fear and do it anyway.” You must be brave enough to try something new, brave enough to possibly suck at something new, and brave enough to possibly fail. You’ll never know how great you can be at something until you try it. Even though you can’t predict what the outcome will be, be unafraid to try. 

Put in the time:

If you’re only dedicating a few minutes a week to your new hobbies or passions, you likely won’t make a lot of progress with them. We suggest spending at least fifteen minutes a day practicing, playing, studying, or whatever is applicable. This will help you develop new skills, learn more, and discover what you genuinely enjoy. 

Using the Daily Shifts to Discover Even More

Looking to get even more in touch with yourself or dig a little deeper? The Daily Shifts can help. Our course can help you learn how to discover your passion, love yourself, and navigate big life changes. You can also check out our ebook to learn some happiness hacks and invest in yourself. Last but not least, once you’ve discovered your passion and purpose, use our app to build healthy habits and stay on track to reaching your goals. 

Now that you know how to discover your passion and how to discover your purpose, go out there and passionately and purposefully live the life you’re meant to live.

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